A lot of movies all around the world on a single Friday of different genres. How do people decide which one to watch? People adore movies that star their favorite celebrities, however, star power is not the only thing that attracts people to theatres. Some movie buffs would also take up an independent route of research to get to the bottom of it and decide if they want to watch the film or not. The best way to do this is to watch the trailer and read reviews. Over the past few years writing book reviews has become a proper profession. In India as well there are a lot of prominent and trustworthy film critics. Many courses have also started that teach people how to write a concise and perfect book review. That too without giving a spoiler to the audience. The audience for movie reviews has also increased over time. Film critics have their own blogs and columns in newspapers because people want to read them. So, here are a few ways by which you can write amazing movie reviews:

Important Facts about Movie Reviews
Focus on the Introduction
It is not always important that a reader will always read the whole review. So it is important to write a catchy and attractive introduction. If the reader finds the introduction interesting then only he will continue reading it. Include all the important things in the first paragraph only. Write an introduction in such a way that it differentiates you from others. Include all the things about the movie like its genre, cast, plot, theme, and all the other aspects in the first paragraph only. Also, talk about the things that are unique in the movie. A compelling thesis is a starting point for the critical part of your review so try to write something related to that only.

Make sure that your introduction is not boring or difficult to read. You can add dialogue in the movie or anything like that in the introduction to make it interesting. So, a good introduction is key to a good movie review.
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Take a Dig at the Purpose of the Movie
It is very important for you to throw light on what is the actual purpose of the movie in the review. Your review must answer the question that Why was this film made. Because after knowing that people will be able to decide if they want to watch the movie or not. If a movie has not had a very specific purpose or a simple motive then mention it. It is not necessary for you to exaggerate about it. Because the important thing for you is, to tell the truth to your audience. Also, don’t forget to mention the level of entertainment in the movie. If you don’t find the movie entertaining or like the purpose of the movie then mention it then and there.
Value Your Own Opinion in The Review
People usually read movie reviews to know what the person thinks about the movie so don’t forget to include your own opinion in the movie. They can get to know about all the other aspects of the movie from somewhere else as well. But knowing what you think about that movie has a lot of value of its own. You should let the audience know what your take on the movie is. Some writers make a separate column for this. So, people who are in a hurry or not in the mood to read the whole review they and refer to that. And make up their mind whether to watch the movie or not.

Talk About All The Aspects of the Movie
Different people watch movies for different reasons. Some watch it for the cast, some for the plot, some for cinematography, and some for other technical aspects. So, the reviewer should talk about all the different aspects of the movie. Like filmography, plot, acting of cast, editing, and sounding of the movie. For this, the reader needs to have a little knowledge about all these things if not deep. This will make your review look more technical and exhaustive. Also, concentrate your attention on one or two elements that you consider to be the most significant for this particular film.

A Good Conclusion is Must
The conclusion is the last thing readers will read in your movie review so it is important to make it impactful. A reader will come back only when he will remember your review. Just like an introduction a conclusion is equally important. Add things about what you liked the most and what you disliked about the movie. Add a personal touch to the conclusion to make it even more authentic. A strong conclusion goes a long way. Always remember that conclusion is the last thing readers will read so don’t forget to do your best in it.
Final Thoughts
Writing a movie review has become a full-time profession. By following these simple points you can kick-start your own movie reviewing. Slowly with time and experience, you can sharpen your skills and write even better reviews. To stand apart from every other reviewer it is good to do something distinct that no one else is doing. You can provide your readers with examples and a brief plot summary. But keep in mind not to give them any spoilers. As it will vanish their courage to watch the movie. A key to writing good reviews is to be authentic and true to your audience. One should not copy or try to be like others. So what are you waiting for? Follow these points and start writing your own movie reviews