Anger is one of the many dark emotions of humans. And there is no age or limit to it. Having anger issues and being short-tempered is an issue on its own. Kids can develop anger issues at an early age. And if it is not handled properly it can last for a very long time. That is why it becomes very important to control and handle this issue at the initial stages only so that it does not go out of hand. Kids are soft at heart and can get angry easily. But it is not very difficult to calm them down. And with regular practice of calming activities, they can get rid of anger issues.
Mentioned below are a few ways and activities by which kids who are short-tempered and have anger issues can be tackled easily.

Ways to Handle Kids With Anger Issues:
Help Them Understand Their Feelings
Feelings are complex things and sometimes we are not able to understand what we are actually feeling. For kids, it is an even more difficult job. So, we must help them understand their feeling. A person does not get angry only when he is feeling anger it can be a result of a lot of mixed and misunderstood emotions. Once they start understanding their emotions they will know how to handle them and will be able to react to them in a more proper way. Talking is the best way to do this. You need to tell them that it is ok to feel creation things. By this, they will no longer be confused by their own emotions. And will know how to handle them.

Teach Them How To Calm Down
Anger can vary on a lot of different levels. Sometimes a person can get very angry. So, you must teach them how to calm down when they are struck by a sudden wave of anger. The best way to do that is to take deep breathes. This will help in calming the nerves immediately. Other than that ask them to drink water or distract their mind from things that make them angry. This is not a long time solution. But can control a sudden wave of huge anger. So, it become really important for you to teach your children how to calm down their emotions.

Avoid Using Violent Media
Children learn a lot from what they see and hear. And their brain developed according to that. If they see a lot of violence around them they will slowly develop the same habit. As their aggression level will increase. Nowadays kids play a lot of video games and watch action movies. Video games are very violent and show violence in a very clear way. Like loud gunshots, the splattering of blood, and people dying. So, to control their anger it becomes important to stop your child from consuming violent media. If your child plays a lot of games then prevent them from playing games that are about fighting or action. Because such things can affect the mind consciously or subconsciously.

Tell Them About its Consequences
Every wrong action has a consequence and anger is a wrong action. If you tell your child that they will have face serious consequences if they get angry again and again. Say them they will not be allowed to play with their friends, go out or you will not buy them new toys. By this, they will try to control their short-tempered actions up to some extent. But parents must not threaten them as it can show reverse effects as well.

Indulge Them in Calming Activities
If your child is short-tempered then calming activities are required to be done on a regular basis. Not only when the child gets angry. You should make them do some activities that will help them calm their nerves. Like meditation, coloring, walking on the grass, deep breathing exercises, and many other nerve-calming activities. These are not quick solutions but will show positive results in the long run. You can also make your child do things that he enjoys doing. It can be anything of their choice. Because if a person is enjoying something, anger is less likely to strike. Calming activities are good for both short-tempered children and short-tempered adults.

Protect Them From Traumas
The last very important thing to control ager is to protect your child from trauma. Trauma can be any negative thing that can impact the mind of the child. Childhood traumas are one of the really serious issues as they can show the negative impact on the mind of a person for whole life. And traumas are a huge reason behind the anger. All you need to protect your child from traumas is to look after them properly and see how their emotional level is. You should not scold them way too much or fight in front of them and also see if everything is going on fine in the school. Long traumas can easily make a person short-tempered.

Final Thoughts on Short Tempered Kids
Everyone gets angry and it is a normal thing. But the problem arises when it becomes a habit and one starts getting angry at every small thing. Kids can also develop this habit if not taken care of. The reason behind anger can be anything. But it becomes important to help them overcome their short-tempered behavior. All the methods mentioned above can be proven really beneficial in getting rid of anger issues. And these are useful for kids as well as adults. Follow more such helpful tips stated at our Blog that may help you in parenting.