Sibling bonding is one of the most beautiful things a parent can encourage and reinforce in the family. It’s something you are investing in because that’s what’s going to reap rewards when they grow up. How do we encourage it and how do we facilitate it as adults and as a family. A bit of rivalry and competition is very common between siblings especially during the early stage where the rational part of your child is still developing. It can be tough to handle sibling rivalry – between brothers and sisters.
That’s why we’ve put together this list of tips for how to mollify sibling rivalry, so you don’t have to worry about it!

ONE: Create a schedule. Decide how much time each child will spend with an activity before switching, so there’s enough time allotted for everyone without too much overlap – e.g., five minutes on the computer before switching to playing video games an hour later.
TWO: Make sure you include the child they are most upset with in the family time. If one of your brothers or sister hates it when you play video games with them, make sure to include this child in their time, too. If they are getting upset, your brother or sister will play fewer video games if they know they have to spend their time with those kids!
THREE: Make a family activity together where everyone wins. Each family member gets a chance to be a leader, the rules are fair, and everyone is included.
FOUR: Make sure everyone has something they are good at. Does one of the siblings really love to draw? Does the other have a talent for singing? Make sure they praise these talents! Make it clear that while they aren’t the best at everything, they have their own strengths that others can respect.
FIVE: Calm sibling rivalry by letting them know that while you may fight sometimes, you will always be close. Let the siblings know that they understand that they might fight sometimes, but that doesn’t mean they don’t love each other.
SIX: Let them know that they don’t have to agree on everything, but they do need to respect each other. While not fighting is great, learning to respect others is more important.
Some more tips :
SEVEN: Include them in the decision process. The siblings will be more likely to accept things they had a hand in planning.
EIGHT: Be open and honest with them. Let the siblings know that even though they and you may argue sometimes (or a lot), it doesn’t mean that they don’t love each other.
NINE: Remind them that no one is perfect – and neither is anyone’s family – including theirs! If you’re having problems with some of your brothers or sisters, just remember that no one is perfect, not even their family, so things shouldn’t seem too bad by comparison.
TEN: Create some time just for the two of them. Getting together as a family doesn’t mean you need to all be together at the same time. Take time out of yours and their schedule to spend some time with them – and make sure you do it often!
ELEVEN: Let them know that they don’t need to like everything you like. If your brothers and sisters don’t like what you like, and vice versa, just be casual about it. Let them know that even though they may not always agree with you, you still love them and think they’re great!
TWELVE: Make sure the older siblings know that even though their older sibling may be the ” boss “, it’s important for both of them to respect each other.
THIRTEEN: Don’t let it bother you that they fight sometimes. No one’s perfect, and this is a normal family dynamic. Take a moment to remind yourself that the siblings are still awesome, even if they argue sometimes!
FOURTEEN: Don’t make fun of other siblings to make other ones feel bad about themselves. Tell them that if you’re getting criticized by your brothers or sisters, don’t be harsh. Even though you might not always agree with what they say, remember that no one’s perfect, not even your brothers or sisters, so things should be okay!
FIFTEEN: Make them spend time with each other as often as possible.
These tips start to work when both children start to mix with each other. They become kind and respectful to each other. This is the time where you give them the enthusiasm to go on this path, maybe praise that they are doing the right thing. They will be reassured about the behaviour they are expected to put forward. Lastly, show them affection when engaged in such things.