While Public Speaking intimidates many since it involves a huge degree of confidence to face the audience, the content of the speech is undoubtedly a huge challenge. Many speakers might prescribe one to put all their eggs in one basket, i.e. presentation- but it is a well-researched speech coupled with great on-stage skills which make public speaking what it is.
Imagine watching a film with glamorous costumes, tear-jerking scenes, and the best actors. But here’s the catch- what if the film has no context- no story to hold it together? Will you be still impressed with every part which is well-played, but without context? You must have encountered stuff like that and the confusion which comes with it. In some respect, you might have felt cheated out of your expectations the brilliant star cast promised you.
Therefore, the same applies to public speeches with all the bling and no brain. The emotional appeal works to a certain extent, but a well-researched speech always hits the bull’s eye.
Remember orators like Abraham Lincoln, B.R. Ambedkar, Barack Obama, and Swami Vivekananda? We remember being roused with their words. But it was actually the well-researched content of their speech that made them the prolific speakers they are.
However, with the degree of plagiarism and the immense availability of knowledge on the internet today, one might find it tough to find points that make their public speech shine. Therefore, Podium School presents the best ways to research efficiently for your next public speech as well as its benefits.
Best Ways to Research for a Speech
Assess the Audience
The starting point for an efficiently researched speech is to assess the audience. You may have to bend your speech according to your audience as hooking them to the speech is your foremost priority. However, research well about what they would like to listen to and think over it. Although conventional research might seem old school, this is why we recommend you interact with people who might be of the same group as your audience.

This tip can work wonders for you if you want to look at a well-researched speech. Talk to people, take their feedback, and learn to read the room. It is important to apply some common sense before you step onto the stage. Don’t be intimidated by what the audience might think of you. Think what they might be thinking. Research is an evolving aspect- you can pick up cues and observe their behavior and body language. Strategize as you speak- and you’ll be good!
Hit the Library
Libraries are the best source for getting any material for a speech. Libraries provide more unique content than the internet. Or if you aren’t big on leaving the comforts of home, look through specialized libraries. Academic research websites like JSTOR, EPW, Stanford.Edu, Academia.org can be your hub to look for every relevant bit of information you need. However, don’t be satisfied to look through two articles. Read the context and speak from a place of genuine knowledge.

Collect as much content as you can!
Public Speaking might be awful and unpredictable, you never know what might happen when you are delivering a speech. One moment you are delivering the best speech someone has ever delivered and the very next moment you blank out.
So, to avoid mind blanks in public speaking and similar situations, always gather as much content as you can. However, avoid cramming facts just for the sake of it. Look up keywords while researching. Researching for public speeches is akin to making notes for an important exam. You never know at which point, the part you thought was useless might just pop in your head when you are blank and save you from humiliation. For more tips to avoid mind blanks while speaking, look at this article!
Rehearse and Rehearse and Rehearse!
Practice makes perfect. Once you are done analyzing your audience and getting the content for the speech, it’s time to rehearse. Rehearsals are another form of research. This is why- when you rehearse, you analyze your performance in a situation akin to the actual moment of delivering the speech.

Gather your family and ask them to hear you speak and get their feedback on your word pronunciation and clarity in voice. Rehearse in front of the mirror and notice your body language.
Dress to the Nines!
When you hit the stage, make sure you look your best. Get that immaculate hair trim, wear comfortable attire but dress for the event. People tend to notice and agree with a speaker who looks approachable, but tidy. Be on top of your game before the speech and it will help you go a long way.
Importance of Public Speaking
Public speaking is one of the most important skills you will ever develop. If you get this right, a lot many things will get easier for you. A good public speaker becomes the star everywhere. If you are a good public speaker then it also covers up to an extent for your other limitations. Here.
Public speaking makes you more social and comfortable around people
The entire foundation of public speaking is to present yourself in a manner to the public that they find you and your speech interesting, appealing, exciting, and thoughtful. If the people find you interesting, they will make an effort from their side to make a move on you. Apart from this, you will be confident enough to reciprocate in the same manner. For example, in a personal function, business meetings, and so on.
Landing Your Dream!
Yes, you heard it right. Public speaking helps in getting a good job. How? It’s simple. If you have good public speaking skills, the chances of you acing the interview with a panel of interviewers go a lot higher.

Public Speaking- A Booster Dose for Confidence
Public speaking not just only helps in honing your communication skills but also your leadership skills. It helps in how to present yourself to people, right posture, body language along many other skills. All such skills are interrelated to one another and public speaking triggers it.

Express Yourself!
Usually, we avoid speaking in front of other people. The reason might be a lack of confidence or just that dreaded inferiority complex one has about themselves. When you speak in front of people, you get an opportunity to demonstrate your knowledge and your abilities. Apart from demonstrating your knowledge, public speaking also allows you to gain and garner more knowledge along the process. It’s a give-and-take process.

Public speaking is an art one can master through due perseverance and dedication. We can always work on our limitations and become a better version of ourselves. Public speaking defines you in a group of people, therefore, it is a premier neo-academic skill.
Therefore, researching for a public speech efficiently can help you structure a good set of arguments around the topic. The whole experience will leave you better-read and more eloquent than you were before. Thus, never compromise on arduous research for your speech. Also, do look out for the Best Presentation Tips and couple your research with confidence!
Feel free to check out other public speaking tips and tricks on our Public Speaking archive here! You may also book a free trial of our exclusive Public Speaking Course for kids!