Well, Christmas is just around the corner and festival decorations are taking place in a full-fledged mode. Setting up Xmas tree in one corner, putting wish socks on the fireplace, and lining fairy lights all around the house are some decoration rituals that we fulfil every year. It is very simple to go to a supermarket, grab some decor items and then put them up in the house. But the decoration will become a highlight only when we will sit with our family and try making some DIY decoration items. Won’t it? It might sound a little difficult but the decoration items that we have brought today are simple, quick, and effortless.
So, mentioned below are some really amazing festival DIYs that you must try while decorating your house this Christmas.

Easy Christmas DIYs fir You to Try:
Make Your Own Christmas Wreath
A wreath is one of the main elements of Christmas and is the first thing that guests look at as it is placed on the entrance door. Wreaths are beautiful ornaments to use during decorations. Most of the time we place a ready-made wreath on our doors but it is super easy to make one with your own hands. You can start by taking a round stencil and rolling a ribbon around it. Then start arranging any ornaments on it be it pine cones, bows, bells, ribbons, or anything of your choice. You can customize it according to your aesthetic and make a wreath of your choice. You can also add a personal touch to it by putting your name initials or a Merry Christmas tag on it.

DIY Your Candles
How can Christmas decorations and celebrations be complete without candles? They add much-needed warmth to the home in literal and metaphorical terms. No matter how many candles you put they will never be enough as candles are the most beautiful part of decorations. But they can become even more beautiful when you add a touch of your creativity to them. You can make a whole candle by taking some candle wax and molds. But you can do some DIYs with ready-made candles as well. Put some cardamom stick all around the candle and wrap it with a ribbon. It will look immensely beautiful. Or you can take a big wooden coaster and put some candles on it to give it the look of a candle holder. It will look perfect on a tabletop.

Try Your Hands on Wooden SnowMan
Snowmen are the cutest characters to place in the front yard during decoration. They can easily make a home look like a winter wonderland. It is not possible to make an actual snowman and even if it is possible it will not last for a long period. So, if you want to add a snowman to your decoration you can make a wooden snowman with your own hands. So take some wooden coasters, color them and stack them on each other. Then put a hat on his hand, wrap a scarf around the neck and draw all the features. You can add a lot of different touches to it according to your creativity. And it will look really amazing.

Wrap Gifts Beautifully
Don’t you think it will get a little boring if all the gifts are packed in red and white paper only. They will not look even beautiful when kept under the Xmas tree. You need to jazz them up as they are also an important part of the decoration. So they must also look beautiful. It is very simple to make your gift Christmas appropriate, you just need to begin by wrapping the gift in the paper. After that tie a bow around it and paste miniature versions of things that shout Christmas. Like candy sticks, stars, bells, pinecones, or a small wreath. It will look good while gifting as well as when kept under the tree.

Make Creative Mason Jars
Mason jars are very versatile pieces. You can never go wrong while using them as a piece of decoration. You can use them as a decor item in whatever way you want. To begin with, you can paint them in different Christmas colors and draw different Christmas elements. The best thing is that you can make a whole miniature winter land inside them by putting cotton, a small snowman of a Santa inside it. This will look super cute when placed on the side table. Other than that you can place small Santa caps on the place of their lid and keep them on the shelf. You can use your own imagination in many different ways when it comes to mason jars.

DIY Christmas Tree Ornaments
How can we even imagine Christmas without a Xmas tree in the corner of the room? And small ornaments are a must when it comes to decorating a tree. We usually end up buying these ornaments from the market which have the same repeated things most of the time. So to add a whole new touch to your tree you should try to make your own ornaments. You can make them using ice cream sticks, dough, wool, or small wooden coasters. You can use them to make different ornaments and hang them to adorn the tree. By doing this your tree will get a whole new look.

Final Thoughts on Christmas DIYs:
Getting on with the decorations can give you an instant festive vibe. And it can be made even when you sit with your family and make your own decor items. All the DIYs mentioned above are very easy and can be made with minimal effort. You need not be highly creative or artistic to try these. So, what are you waiting for grab on all your craft supplies and try your hands on these DIYs so that you can add a whole new look to your this year’s Christmas decor.