Elements of a Motivational Speech

Your words have influential power. They can go beyond information and can move the audience emotionally. That’s what you can broadly do with your motivational speech.

What is motivational speech?

A motivational speech is to convince or to persuade the listener to take action to improve or to start doing any particular thing. This convincing involves improving efforts and energy to lead to good performance. The main objective is to encourage reflection or influence convictions by appealing to their emotion.

Elements of motivational speech

How to give motivational speech?

Motivational speech has 3 main elements. They are –


Your audience must have trust in you. For that, you should offer them a comfortable environment to build a trustful bond. You can make things favorable by sharing similarities and by showing empathy.

Moreover, the audience must believe you are an expert in your field, and you have adequate knowledge about your topic. Your body language must be bold, and you should have confidence in yourself. Furthermore, you have to keep a smile and use your hand while speaking. The audience needs to trust you, so your body language and content need to match. 

People tend to trust who are similar in some ways, or they should have some common connection. So, take out time to find a connection between you and your audience and mention these details. Also, the audience must believe that you truly respect and understand their likes and dislikes and know what they need. You can demonstrate empathy by saying what they experience, whether that’s anticipations, fear, concert, or something else.


Your audience must feel a passionate desire to achieve the goal that you define. They must believe that there is always a solution to every problem, and the audience must believe that they can achieve anything.

Your audience should believe that the solution you propose actually matters to them. It must make a difference to them. They need to believe that their lives will be better if they have a desire to change them. For that, you can –

  • Use both logic and emotion: In your discussion, you must use both logic and emotion while targeting the audience.
  • Pledge helps along the way: The audience must feel that you’ve got their back – that you already know what could be challenging for them and have done something to address those challenges. Hence, making their journey easier for them.


In addition to trust and desire, you should give clarity to your audience about their role in getting to the defined goal. They must know and be able to articulate what they need to do next to achieve their goal.

Also, the audience must believe that their role is crucial and that they have something special ability or any power that will make them achieve it.

How to write a motivational speech?

Writing a motivational speech is a robust process, mostly if you are not a professional in this area. But with practice, you can improve and enhance your skill. So, you have to keep in mind that you have to draw your audience’s attention and make them comfortable and believe you and what you speak. After all, nobody wants to hear a boring speech, so the primary purpose of the speech is to inspire the audience to take action.

Outlining a motivational speech

A motivational speech is just like other speeches. You need to have an introduction, body, and a conclusion that must be strong. You need to follow this pattern mentioned below to write a perfect motivational speech.


Your introduction needs to be captivating, and you have to grab your audience’s attention as well. You need to start with attention-grabbing sentences, which is always to greet your listeners and help them build a comfortable environment. Tell them why you are presenting this motivational speech. Give them the reason to be the ears of your motivational speech. Also, you need to include the thesis statement in the introduction as well.


The body is the main area that carries the main message of your motivational speech. It consists of several paragraphs, each incorporating a few major points. Therefore, you should have a theme and points to support each argument. Don’t claim without producing evidence to support your points. Try making this section as attractive as possible for you; include jokes, metaphors, and analogies.

The body of the motivational speech must include these all points-

  • Connect your ideas
  • A theme and correct purpose
  • You have to write in a way you talk
  • Use storytelling technique
  • Incorporate a sense of humor 
  • Use quotes in your speech

Concluding part

The conclusion summarizes all the main points that you’ve presented in your speech. So, state the reasons for your thesis statement and finish with a remarkable conclusion. It’s where you give your final remarks and your call to their action. Therefore, your conclusion must be strong, and you can end up by giving a quote and a sense of humor as well.

Do’S and Don’ts 


  • Practice your speech several times
  • Use simple language so that you don’t stop while speaking
  • Build a comfortable and trustworthy bond
  • Use your hand while speaking
  • Use a sense of humor to make the audience feel comfortable
  • Target the desire and emotion of the audience
  • Make eye contact with the audience
  • Make them feel good and boost their spirit


  • Avoid dead air time
  • Don’t use too much humor [sometimes people feel uncomfortable]
  • Don’t just stare at objects; you should have eye-eye contact with the audience
  • Do not embarrass anyone in the room
  • Avoid talking too fast 
4 rules to success: A.P.J Abdul Kalam

Final words

Motivational speech must target the emotion of the audience so that they would use more energy and effort to fulfill their desire and achieve wonderful goals. The main objective is to make the audience move from their place to fulfill their goals. Now that you know the fundamentals, you are good to go with a fabulous motivational speech.