10 Simple Tips to Limit Screen Time for Kids

Limit Screen Time

Technology is advancing and making our life simpler. On the contrary, it is also cutting down the lifestyle we should be living. A life of full awareness, real connections, quality time with our family and friends, and full-time focus on mental, physical, and emotional health is a much desirable option than whiling it away on a screen. Moreover, increased screen time comes up with long-term health issues such as damaged eyesight, immense back pain, muscle atrophy, etc.

Although due to precarious situations like the COVID-19 pandemic, work from home and online education reached their epitome. But they also came with certain downsides which clearly need to be addressed. Therefore, the need to limit screen time is more than ever. Trust Podium School to tell you the best tips to do so- it is time to read on and implement them to protect your little darling’s precious eyesight!

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Kids busy using Phone

What does screen time mean?

Screen time is the time spent on activities on electronic devices. These devices emit harmful blue lights through its screen. Different circumstances which increase screen time of kids in their day-to-day life –

  • Educational mode – Online studies, doing homework, and other online activities.
  • Passive mode – Watching T.V., constantly listening to music, and watching YouTube videos
  • Interactive mode – Playing offline and online video games
  • Communication mode – Video chatting, social media interaction (like Instagram, Facebook, etc.)
  • Content creation – Shooting and editing videos. 

Screen Time Cons and Their Solutions

Kids are sensitive to blue lights, and increased screen time has put their health at a higher risk. Extreme screen time can cause –

  • Sleeping problems
  • Academic issues
  • Lesser or no physical activity
  • Weight problems
  • No social interaction 
  • Mood problems
  • Personality issues

Therefore, to help you in controlling the screen time, here are the top 10 crucial steps you can take to limit your kid’s screen time –

Fix a Time for Electronics

The Screen Time Debate for Kids - Megan Dustin Photography
Fix time for Electronics

Many, including young children, enjoy scrolling down the feed, enticing the colorful happy world. The need is to teach them the importance of living more of our real-world rather than getting consumed by the online world.

Parents should allow some fixed time for using T.V, smartphones, or video games. They should be kept in check for the same. It would not be easy considering the online classes, but the time slot for other devices can be fixed apart from that duration.

No Screen Time Zone

Declare certain areas of your home as ‘NO SCREEN TIME’ zone. These will be those areas where everyone in the family will give time to each other. This practice would help you appreciate each other’s presence and feel grateful to have what you have in your real world.

Places like dinner tables are meant for eating your food and no gaming or social interactions. Make sure that the bedrooms do not have a television. Phone usage should be limited. Moreover, using electronics on the table isn’t the best table etiquette. To know why click here. Have no screen time zone in your garden area, too, so that kids can play and spend their morning or evening by being themselves.

Should children get an allowance for doing household chores? - nj.com
Kids washing utensils

Give Them Some Responsibilities and Tasks

Ask your kids to put their shoes/shocks in the right place. Give them small tasks each day and applaud them for their efforts. This will make them do more of such daily chores and live an active life.

Moreover, they develop moral and human values and will also learn from their mistakes. Doing chores without reaching out for the screen also makes children more confident in themselves to do minor and major tasks at home for themselves. To know more, click here to know about the habits of such self-assured children.

Be Their Idol

8 Ways to Salvage a Bad Parenting Day - Parent Cue
Try spending time with your kids and be their idol

Parents too should practice less technology usage. As children imitate and learn from their elders; therefore, you need to define the boundaries by practicing them first.

Your good or bad habits will directly affect them. Cut off those unnecessary calls that go over 2 hours. Scale down the usage of social media and avoid any toxic online chats.

Physical Activities

Physical Activity

Let kids play some mindful and physical games. Encourage them to go out with their friends and play cricket, basketball, or anything they like with their toys. They don’t have to just sit in front of the screen and miss the beautiful weather.

Kids Safety on the Internet | LoveToKnow
Help them discover new things

Help Them Discover New Things on the Internet

Show them different websites that have fun learning and creative things to discover. This will evoke their curiosity and creativity skills. The online world is a blessing in disguise in this case. They teach such amusing and innovative ideas that leave us all astonished—the best place to upskill and upgrade oneself.

It would be a considerable investment of time and energy. Moreover, those activities can, later on, be enjoyed offline with family.

Limit Phones Before Bedtime

What Smartphone Use Right Before Bed Does to a Child's Brain - Richmond Mom
Limit Phones Before Bedtime

Research studies show that using the phone before bedtime causes sleeping problems. Therefore, it’s better to keep the phone off 2 hrs prior to bedtime and limit screen time.

Tell them to read a book and then go to sleep, or you can narrate them some interesting bedtime stories to help them sleep peacefully. This would not only limit screen time but would also help in building healthy relationships. Listening to some lullabies is also a good idea.

Screen Time for Babies Linked to Higher Risk of Autism-Like Symptoms Later  in Childhood | Now | Drexel University
Play with kids

Playtime with Kids

Try to get involved in their play activities. Give your time to them and make them feel loved, and help them giggle and laugh a bit more to avoid excessive involvement with their screen.

Be their best friend and supporter so that they can confide in you willingly. Playing with kids is a great bonding exercise for parents and one of the most effective tips to limit screen time.

Limiting children's screen time linked with healthy lifestyle and  apprehension skills | Lifestyle News – India TV
Devices should be kept away from their reach

Keep Devices Away from Your Reach

When it’s easy to grab your phone or desktop, it becomes a habit of checking it out all the time. Therefore, try putting all the electronic devices far away from the easy reach of the kids so that they ultimately find alternate ways of living without them.

Use Parental Controls to Limit Screen Hours

Parental Controls

Kids should be protected from watching anything or everything on the internet. This is why parental locks should be used to protect them from opening and indulging in them.

Parents must keep a tab on the sites their children are accessing. While we do not recommend excessive vigilance, a sneak peek into the browser history or enabling parental control features via your antivirus package may work. Sensitizing children about safe internet practices is also required. You can set a time limit for the child to access the internet in order to limit screen time.

Parental Control

Parting Words from Podium

The foremost priority of a parent is their child’s health, happiness, and well-being. While you may feel tempted to give in to their whims when they insist you on stretching the limit for electronic devices, you would have to be firm. But do so with gentleness, as kids are more likely to listen to you when you are prepared for a long and deep conversation. Make sure to be patient and answer their questions patiently. Explain to them the harms of using electronics constantly.

Also, don’t forget to check out the healthy habits kids should emulate for a happier lifestyle. Keep coming back to us for more informative updates on Parenting and healthy habits for children, right here on the Podium Blog!