The Narrative World: How Stories Can Prompt Learning?

Have you ever found yourself unable to recall what you learned on the previous day? Or have you dozed off in a class booming with your teacher’s explanation? Most of the time when such incidents happen, it is termed to be the child’s lack of interest or attention in class. But, is that always true? Learning and education are more than just listening classes, doing homework, and reading books. It is also connecting the pupil to what the teacher is saying and thinks about it creatively. One such aspect of teaching is storytelling. 

What is the teacher saying?

Storytelling, in its rawest understanding, is the interactive art of using words and actions to infuse the child with imagination and thought process. It is not just about narrating a tale. It is also about boosting up the listener’s imagination. A class of monotonous explanation and a class coupled with storytelling has a vast difference. Using the pattern of narrating a story will make the students concentrate more on class. 

Storytelling And Learning

Storytelling has been a part of our lives for a very long time. It has been our way of communicating our experiences as well as memorable moments. They also carry morals which is why you hear your parents telling you stories so that you develop the best deeds and personality. 

We have a plethora of books in our education curriculum and we have a wide range of chapters. But, do you remember them all? It is obvious for us to forget them over time. However, with storytelling, everything we learn can stay with us, if not forever but for a longer time. They do not just prompt your imaginative skills but they also make you enjoy what you are learning. 

Storytelling-Learning In a Creative Atmosphere

Including storytelling with learning will make you live the fables and tales than just hearing about them in classes.
Benefits of Story Telling Children

Storytelling And Its Benefits In Learning

Storytelling can bring colorful and exciting changes to the education system. Besides garnering the student’s attention, it will also ensure that what is learned must not be practiced by them. 

Here is an array of benefits by Podium School on how storytelling can be beneficial for the learning and education system.

Building the Blocks Of Communication

Storytelling in learning can be one of the initial steps to build on communication skills. Storytelling helps students to articulate their emotions, thoughts, feelings, and views effectively. It also pokes their mind to think about the story and later asks questions, which again makes them communicative. As this storytelling continues in learning, the students will learn more efficient ways to convey their minds. 

Building Blocks

Storytelling Stretches Memory

The activity to inculcate a story into educational courses can be an ideal way to expand the memory of students. Since stories consist of evocative tone and wide imagery, it will aid the listeners to retain teaching efficiently. You can ask them questions and they will be able to answer. This is because the concepts have been extracted by them through the stories heard. 

Raises the Enthusiasm Bar

Stories can increase the enthusiasm level of the students in the class. It strikes their heads with different ideas which they would love to contribute. Along with this, learning will become more participative. Once storytelling is infused with education and teaching, you will find students listening attentively rather than slouching their heads on desks. 

Raise their Enthusiasm Bar

Branches Imaginative Horizon

Storytelling can be the best way to take care of a student’s imaginative skills. By including stories, you will find the students indulge in thinking and interpreting ambivalent situations. Moreover, the students who are story lovers and writers can also find their ideas to begin a new story. They will also use their imaginative skills in understanding the plot, character, and theme of the stories narrated to them. 

Cultural Learning And Acceptance

Learning is all about soaking in diversity. Storytelling can enable the students to learn about different cultures, beliefs, and ideas. It will not just educate them about these thriving differences but also make them appreciate them. Storytelling can ensure that students grow an amicable approach in knowing and respecting communities and their practices. On a contrary note, storytelling can also initiate their thoughts to differentiate between what is right and what is wrong. 

Promotes Healthy Inquisitive Nature

Storytelling in education does enhance students’ interests but it also promotes positive curiosity. As you begin narrating a story in the class, you will find that the students are The Narrative World: How Stories Can Prompt Learning to know more. During this time, the teacher must take a reasonable pause in answering the questions and then carry forward with storytelling. If this practice continues, the students will collect deeper understanding due to their curious nature. 

Healthy Inquisitive Nature

Virtue And Value Inculcator

Storytelling can be the best way to teach students about the right and virtuous attitude. It can teach them about honesty, hard work, truth, optimism, and many other good values through its ending morals. By learning these, the students will also practically infuse them and develop a higher understanding based on the acquired values from the stories.
Virtue and Value

These are ways for storytelling to be an important tool in learning and the educational atmosphere. 

Final Thoughts

Storytelling can be the best option to teach the students from kindergarten to elementary. As this age period is crucial, storytelling can help the educating figures to develop wise habits and thoughts. In this situation, Podium School also wishes to lend you hands. With our courses on Performing Art and Public Speaking, the student can engage themselves in a fun learning process with stories. We also have courses for Creative Writing, which teaches you all about writing, creativity, and generating ideas. 

We want to be the needful friend to all of you. Podium School also staunchly believes in knowing which then leads to growing. With our interactive blog, we try to keep you entertained and informative altogether. We welcome all the creative and valuable feedback and suggestions from your side. Do let us know what more stars we can touch with your constant support. 

Till then, read, enjoy and grow with stories. Ciao!