Learning or studying acting is a hard but an interesting task to do. Improving yourself ,your abilities as an actor takes time. Its always hard to begin something as we don’t have enough guidance and we always get fear about everything as complimentary but as it’s well said by Jon Hamm that “Don’t be afraid to fail. It’s not the end of the world, and in many ways, It’s the first step towards learning something and getting better at it”, we should fight against our fears. There are a lot of ways which can help you to begin improve yourself and start studying acting at home like reading acting books, watching great actor’s performances and some good acting classes etc.
Tips to start
Reading Acting Books
Before you join some acting classes, you should start with the very basics like Reading some books about acting and you can read even biographies of famous actors which will help you to know the journey and gives you an idea about it.
‘An actor prepares’ by Constantin, ‘Respect of Acting’ by Uta Hagen, ‘Audition: Everything an actor needs to know to get the part’ by Michael Shurtleff, ‘The art of acting’ By Stella Adler, ‘Building a Character’ by Konstantin Stanislavski, ‘Acting: The first six lessons’ by Richard Boleslawski are some famous books that can help you in your journey.
If you will dig a little bit more, you can find more amazing and helpful books for you by famous authors and actors.
Observe others performances
‘Learn to sit back and Observe. You can learn more that way’.
Watching great performances of other actors and observing them can surely help you a lot.
You can practice yourself the same scene by watching again and again. Like watching a scene of the film of ‘Titanic and rehearsing it yourself by looking in the mirror can help you a lot. This helps even when you join the acting classes.
Notice each and every point of the scene, the facial expressions, the hand gestures, the timing and just everything very carefully.
Watch yourself

Yeah! Watch yourself . It’s the most important part to know how you’re doing.
You can perform in front of a big mirror and observe how you’re doing. You can also record yourself by your camera and watch it after the performance.
This way you can do the comparison and easily you can find the area of Improvement.
You have to observe every single thing, where you’re doing good and where you do better.
Your facial expressions your hand movements, whether you’re good at them or you need more practice.
You can only find out after observing yourself.
Take help from YouTube
You can easily find good tips and tricks videos and beginners videos on You tube.
By searching deeply on YouTube you can find suitable videos for your self and can start learning from now on.
‘Garima’s good life’, ‘Join to Bollywood’, or ‘Acting career center’, can be some suitable channels on you tube for you that might help you.
Go through the journey of your Inspiration
Here, from ‘Inspiration’ means your ideal actor or your favorite actor.
You can read about him or her and can go through his/her journey. It will surely inspire you and motivate you.
In my opinion you should also read the biographies of great actors Leonardo di Caprio or Jack Nicholson.
It will widen your views about acting and the world of performing arts.
Give yourself situations and take help from friends

You can give yourself different kind of situations and can act on it. Like Let me give you an example. I’m going to give you an situation in which you have to perform. Record your performance and analyze it .
Suppose you are going to market with your car and suddenly you lost balance and bumped into a car of another person who is really crazy.
Now you’re dealing with that person who just wants to kill you for this small incident.
How are you going to perform? And how will you react?
Record your performance or perform the act in front of your friends. And they will tell you about your act.
Like this you can also take different kind of situations from your friends or even from your daily life.
Analyze yourself and treat yourself in your every little achievement. This can be the best way to enjoy this journey.
Don’t forget to be always motivated
Motivation plays a crucial role in anyone’s life. Whether you are choosing acting as a career or you are doing something else.
If you want to grow, You need motivation in your daily life.
The biggest reason of laziness and fear is lack of motivation.
So keep reading quotes by great actors, keep hearing speeches of your favorite or ideal actor .
Here are some quotes by popular actors which will fill you with Inspiration.
- You’re not going there to get a job. You’re going there to present what you do.” —Bryan Cranston
- “If you risk nothing, then you risk everything.” —Geena Davis
- “The only failure is not to try”—George Clooney
- “I live my Life through fear, If I’m afraid of it, I’ll do it just so I’m not afraid of it anymore”—Jeremy Runner.
- “All of us do not have equal talents. Yet we all have an equal opportunities to develop our talents”—Ratan Tata.
- “ you have to be totally tough to deal with all those times when you’re being turned down, and then really soft in order to access your character’s emotions”—Felicity jones.

Mentioned above, these can be some basics steps added with good acting classes to start your journey to become an amazing actor.
The important things which are required in this journey are doing hard work, not focusing on what others say, giving yourself a good diet, being healthy, doing exercises, yoga and the most important one is stepping out of your comfort zone. You can try doing articulation exercises which will be really beneficial for you.
Always try new things and be innovative about your performances.
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