Both the 10th and 12th grade boards exams are extremely important in a student’s life. It moreover assists them in selecting their preferred stream. So that they don’t have to live with the consequences of their decisions later. Board exams play a significant role in defining the trajectory of a student’s career. It also puts the pupils’ principles to the test and builds their foundations.

Evidently, students doing well in board exams have a wide range of knowledge and a firm grasp of subjects. This will be beneficial in future competitive exams. Even though competitive tests assess a students’ comprehension, foundational skills, and ability to apply concepts.
The outcomes of board examinations, on the other hand, are extremely essential in a student’s career. Many top firms shortlist individuals for entry-level positions based on their educational records, such as class 10th and 12th board results.
Getting a good grade in the 10th and 12th grades can also help you get a scholarship at a university or institution.
NCERT books are adequate not only to cover the overall CBSE syllabus, but also to cover all of the foundations. And essentials on all subjects in a simple and straightforward style. This assists pupils in making their ideas explicitly clear.
These books are prepared by specialists after significant research on each topic to give students with accurate and authentic knowledge. And provide appropriate data and insights in convenient and easy language to all students. Regardless of cognitive level.

Apart from that, The Department of Education in Science and Mathematics (DESM), in collaboration with NCERT, created some fantastic challenges in Science and Mathematics for classes 9th to 12th known as the ‘Exemplar problems’. It is a series of books for every subject which contains multiple-choice questions in every chapter.
Problem-Solving Ability
Solving these questions after having understood a chapter and its concept enhances the problem-solving ability of the student. And gives them a better understanding. It helps in building a strong fundamental which will help answer twisted questions in board exams, if any.
In fact, keeping in mind the trend of CBSE board exams, we can conclude that most of the questions come directly from the NCERT books. textbooks and Exemplar, both from inside the chapters/ examples and exercises given at the end of every chapter.
Other importance of NCERT books for studying purposes and boards
Every subject in these books is covered in precise detail. The exercises at the end of the chapters enhance the understanding of the chapter. And give more clarity to it, when solved.
Thus, if you study the NCERT books thoroughly, you will be able to remove all of your difficulties! Also, gain a thorough comprehension of complex kinds of topics.
For the past two years, the CBSE Class 12 Mathematics exam, which was billed as the most difficult each year, included the majority of problems from NCERT Exemplar Problems. It frequently asks twisted questions in board papers.
CBSE Curriculum

Because these books completely conform to the CBSE curriculum, NCERT books are suitable because the material they include serves as the foundation! For not only board examinations but also elite examinations including JEE.
In the boards, NCERT texts are extensive and effective in their own right. And CBSE will rarely seek for anything more than these books.
Because the question papers in the CBSE board exams are only set according to the prescribed syllabus, NCERT textual resources serve to establish the foundation for preparation for the board exams.
Few necessary points to keep in mind before appearing for board exams
Here are few quite healthy tips for you to follow in your boards! Adher to these and you surely will pass with flying colours-
-Solve every example and exercise question at least 4 times, do not hesitate to ask doubts to your teacher, if any, by means of call or SMS.
– Read the chapters thoroughly along with revision.
– Underline difficult parts with pencil and go for one more round of reading and understanding.
– Try framing questions on your own from the texts you read.
Thus, the structure of NCERT books help the students in self-evaluation, as well as acquiring the fundamental skills for tackling complicated problems.
Youngsters who have persistently better academic performance are more likely to get accepted into graduate programs. And have the possibility to study abroad. Not like it is the only cool option!
Parting Words from Podium
After knowing about the multi-varied benefits of revising and studying through NCERT books, one can understand the importance of clearing all concepts and practicing all questions thoroughly through these textbooks for the longer good of the kids. For information on more such related topics, head to the Podium Blog.