For parents, it may be irritating to observe their kids burning all the midnight lamp’s oil and still performing too low in examinations. You must be wondering ‘What is wrong’ and ‘Is it the teacher who is not working on your child properly?’ Or ‘How can you help your child score better? These are some questions that must be coming into your head as a parent and your mind must be looking for some possible solutions to ensure your child is performing well.
Your kid needs your help during the examination, regardless of whether it’s simply listening attentively or ensuring they avoid online interruptions. So, focus on the reasons and solutions and make sure your child is performing well in the examination.
Why is your child not performing well in exams?
Lack of organization
Being unorganized and time mismanagement all the time may mean your young one isn’t concentrating viably before an exam, prompting less than stellar scores. Much of the time, this is because your young one isn’t covering the material appropriately or simply not passing on themselves sufficient opportunity to consider.
Absence of Confidence

If your kid isn’t confident about their capacities it can seriously affect grades and marks. In case this is going on, the initial step is to sort out why your youngster isn’t feeling confident. Have they done ineffectively on an exam in this subject previously? Have they not concentrated completely?
Learning Difficulties
Learning challenges can influence exam execution. In case that your kid hits the books yet is not excelling in exams, there could be a fundamental learning problem. Your kid will be unable to comprehend the exam questions, experience difficulty centering, or be occupied by different students. This could make them unfit to play out their best.
Inconvenience Communicating
Bringing out thoughts through words can be harder for some. Regardless of whether your kid focuses on and comprehends the material, they will be unable to convey it viably, particularly during an exam.
Slow Processing Time

For certain students understanding data, handling it, and reacting to it can take somewhat longer. At the point when your kid is finishing a schoolwork task, they have more opportunity to deal with data. During an exam, they might battle to read the inquiries, get them, and react. This implies they probably won’t have the option to finish the exam in the allocated time.
Have a look at the ways how you can make sure your child is performing well in exams:
Be aware of your child’s exam schedule plan
We know you’re a very occupied parent, which is the reason some early preparation makes a difference. Don’t pass on it to your child or little girl to advise you regarding their exam timings. Get a printout and pin it up where you would all be able to see it and save an online routine for reference, whenever required. Thus, you know when they should be dropped off at the exam place
Don’t get into arguments

If the bed isn’t clean, you have the right to scold your kid, but it will be appreciated if you ignore such arguments because it will affect your child’s focus. It’s a collaboration and the family needs to make sure and ensure all energies are dedicated to the main work.
Have dinners with the family
Well, the possibility is that your child must be sitting in the same space for extended periods preparing for their exams. Make sure they have proper meals with all the family members so that they get a little stress-free from the continuous hard work. Do not talk about exams at the dining table as it will only increase their stress level. Have fun over there!
Don’t burden them with your stress
Well, your stress is quite understandable and we know you are more stressed than your kid. But when their exam dates are on the head, you need to tell your kid to calm down. If you’re still facing some of the other stress, talk to your friends and converse about it. Your child is already worried about their exams and you can’t add more stress.
Ensure they sleep well
Be it a kid or an adult, it is very important to get a good night’s sleep. All you need to do is peep into your child’s timetable to make sure they are getting time to sleep enough. Doing this will work wonders in calming their nerves and keeping them fresh and active throughout the examination day.

Let them stay away from digital interruptions
It’s not possible to keep your child away from digital devices like mobile phones, but it’s very important to do so when their exams are coming. You need to execute some parental controls on your child’s mobile phone so that these digital gadgets don’t distract you from their exams. By doing this, you will make sure that your child is performing well.
Incentives and bribes
There’s a thin line difference between giving an incentive and a bribe. Every time your child is performing well, the best thing you can do is give them something rewarding. Don’t promise them an expensive gift as it will become more of a bribe than a reward. However, you can help them with a family outing or a dinner as it will be a wonderful idea after the exam. Your child will get motivated by this.

Focus on Listening
Talk to them and know how their exam was but don’t judge. Listen to them and understand what they answered in their question paper but don’t blame them for anything. Make sure you encourage them for the rest of the exams and keep them positive for their results. Be there with them and make them realize that you will be the same with them no matter what the results are.
Be available
Parents need to take out time for their children, especially during exams. If you are having paid leaves available, do not think twice and take it to ensure you stay there with your kid. Be aware of what they require, be it a cup of coffee, a comfort level, or some help related to studies.
Each kid is unique, and nobody knows your kid better compared to you do. It is extraordinary to be engaged with assisting your kid with his/her preparations, yet you should realize where to define a boundary. If your kid feels you are meddling in their life anytime, talk to them straightforwardly to comprehend their prerequisites and give space at whatever point required. You will make sure your child is performing well by implementing the tips given above. Go over our Blog to know about more such parenting tips.