A greenhouse gas is defined as a gas that absorbs and emits energy in the thermal infrared spectrum. These gases in the atmosphere trap heat and warm the surface of the Earth. This process is essential to maintain the Earth’s temperature via a process known as the ‘greenhouse effect. However, a large number of greenhouse gases emitted by human activities have dramatically increased the greenhouse effect, and in turn, adversely impacted the climate, a phenomenon known as ‘global warming‘.
In this article, we will look at how the greenhouse effect works, its causes, and its dreadful consequences.
What is Greenhouse Effect?
The term ’Greenhouse Effect’ was first identified by scientists in 1896. It refers to the slow and gradual warming of the Earth’s atmosphere because of certain gases, known as greenhouse gases. This effect occurs when gases in the atmosphere trap heat from the Sun that would otherwise escape into space.
How does Greenhouse Effect Work?
A greenhouse maintains a comfortable temperature inside even in the dead of winter. During the day, sunlight enters the greenhouse and heats the plants and air within. However, as it gets colder outside, the greenhouse still stays fairly warm on the inside. This is because the greenhouse’s glass walls trap the heat of the Sun.
The greenhouse effect works in a similar way on Earth. Gases in the atmosphere, such as carbon dioxide, trap heat in the same way as a greenhouse’s glass roof does. When the sun’s rays radiate through the atmosphere during the day, they heat up the Earth’s surface. At night, the Earth’s surface cools down, releasing heat back into the air. However, part of the heat is retained in the atmosphere by greenhouse gases. This heat keeps the Earth’s surface at 58 degrees Fahrenheit on average.
To learn understand how this phenomenon leads to global warming, take a look at the video below.
Prominent Greenhouse Gases
Mentioned below are some of the common greenhouse gases that can be found in the environment along with their sources:
- Carbon dioxide (CO2) enters the environment as a result of the combustion of fossil fuels, solid waste, forests, and other biological materials. Greenhouse effect is mainly caused by abundant CO2 in the atmosphere.
- Methane (CH4) is released during the production and transportation of coal, natural gas, and oil. In fact, methane emissions are also caused by livestock and other agricultural operations.
- Nitrous oxide (N2O) is produced during agricultural land usage, as well as at the time of burning of fossil fuels and solid waste. Wastewater treatment releases Nitrous oxide as well.
- Fluorinated gases, namely, hydrofluorocarbons, perfluorocarbons, nitrogen trifluoride and sulphur hexafluoride, are synthetic, potent greenhouse gases released by a number of industrial operations.
The image below mentions the amount of each of the greenhouse gases in the atmosphere.

Human activities are greatly responsible for the increased production of greenhouse gases. Thus, we are responsible for climate change. To understand this better watch the video linked below.
Adverse Consequences of Greenhouse Effect

Human-caused greenhouse gas emissions are greater than ever, and the Earth is heating up, according to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). The Earth’s average temperature has risen by 1.8 degrees Fahrenheit between preindustrial periods and today, with almost two-thirds of the rise occurring in the last few decades alone. If present warming trends continue, the surface temperature is expected to rise by 2.7 degrees Fahrenheit over preindustrial levels between 2030 and 2052.
This global warming is affecting the Earth’s climatic systems in a variety of ways. There is an increased frequency and intensity of extreme weather events such as heatwaves, droughts, hurricanes, and floods, thus, exacerbating precipitation and causing wet areas to become wetter and dry areas to become dryer. Furthermore, rising sea levels as a result of melting glaciers and sea ice, as well as rising ocean temperatures have been observed. Ecosystems and natural habitats are changing, and so are the seasonal activities, geographic ranges and migration patterns.
These changes harm not only flora and fauna, but also humans. Warmer temperatures allow mosquitoes that transmit illnesses such as dengue fever and Zika to thrive, and heat waves are becoming hotter and more fatal to people. In addition, people may die of starvation if the food supply is reduced as a result of droughts and floods. Consequently, food insecurity can cause mass migration and political unrest.
How can the Greenhouse Effect problem be solved?
It is the need of the hour to take some big steps and find the solution for the greenhouse effect. Some things we can do include:

- Reduce your energy use: Taking efforts to consume less power, especially those generated by the combustion of coal or gas, may make a significant difference in greenhouse gas emissions.
- Reduce the carbon footprint of food: Today, breeding farm animals for meat accounts for around one-fifth of worldwide carbon emissions. Cattle burp when digesting food, producing methane, a potent greenhouse gas, and their dung emits other greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide and nitrous oxide. Thus, reducing meat intake can help reduce the carbon footprint.
- Reduce industrial emissions: Manufacturing, mining for raw materials, and wastes from factories account for around 20% of global greenhouse gas emissions. Thus, introducing green manufacturing processes will help limit greenhouse gas emissions from industries.
- Plant trees: Carbon sinks are locations where carbon dioxide is removed from the atmosphere. Planting trees, such as bamboo increases the number of carbon sinks. Furthermore, the conservation of forests, peatlands, grasslands, and wetlands, can help safeguard existing carbon sinks.
The video mentioned below lists more significant steps to reduce the greenhouse effect.
Final Thoughts on the Greenhouse Effect
Most of us have heard the term the ‘greenhouse effect’ but are not clear about what it exactly means and why does it concern the environment so much. Learning about the greenhouse effect and working towards mitigating it is a matter of urgency. We hope this article has helped you understand the concept as well as shed light on the various adverse effects of greenhouse gases.