The Gouache Guide : Top 5 Gouache Brands To Look Out For!

Do you want to make fantastic paintings with a lot of saturation and good picture quality? Forget about using watercolours. You’ll need gouache paints for this. These have more opacity and colour vibrance than watercolour paints, and the matte finish is considerably more appealing.

Gouache is a versatile paint that may be applied to nearly any surface. It can be difficult to tell which gouache brand will work best for your requirements when there are so many to pick from.

Therefore we, at Podium, have prepared a list of some of the finest brands and models to save you the hassle of having to go out and searching for the best gouache paint. Let’s get right in and explore what the 5 best gouache paints we could find have to offer.

Top 5 Gouache Brands To Look Out For

Gouache Paint by ARTEZA (Set of 24)


Are you seeking for a creamy, well-mixed gouache paint that can be used as a full-on opaque matte paint or diluted down to a lovely wash? ARTEZA Paint set is a must-try.

The large range of colours available is one of the package’s most appealing features. You can be sure you’ll have some of the most frequent painting colours, such as pale green, lemon yellow, Prussian blue, burnt umber, titanium white, and many others, because each tube has its unique hue. The tubes are well-designed and made of high-quality materials. It makes them easier to squeeze and releases only the amount needed.

This cuts down on waste. These tubes, unlike others we’ve seen, do not leak paint. It isn’t a cheap set but it should enough for 90% of people searching for a wide range of gouache colours at a reasonable price.

Therefore, ARTEZA Gouache Paint can be the ideal choice for a beginner who wants to study gouache with a superb starter set without having to break the bank.

Click here to purchase it!

Winsor & Newton Paint Set

Winsor and Newton Set

If you’re unsure where to begin, Winsor & Newton Designers Gouache is a great place to start. This product has been popular for its high-quality pigments since 1935. Its colours are bright, allowing you to create beautiful and vibrant images.

This is one of the most opaque gouache paints on the market, with a wonderful matte finish. When shooting the artwork, the opacity comes in helpful because it enhances the appearance and prevents reflections. The covering power is excellent, and the colour blending is flawless, thanks to the brilliance of the colours.

When working with a large number of colours, there is no muddy effect. Because of the quick drying time, you can add layers without worrying about the previous ones lifting. As a result, it’s a popular choice among both commercial and artistic painters.

Click here to purchase it!

M. Graham Artists’ Gouache (Set Of 5)

It is, without a doubt, the best gouache paint for both beginners and pros. This high-quality kit comes with five highly pigmented colours and no opacifiers or adulterants in the mix.

M. Graham, on the other hand, uses honey in their gouache paint to improve flow and moistness. You will receive 5 tubes, each weighing 0.5 ounces, in the package. White, medium yellow, and burnt sienna are among the featured hues, which are among the most basic for painting. As the colours dry, they become more consistent, opaque, and vibrant.

Colors with a high pigment load have more brilliance, allowing you to create more spectacular design works. For starters, because to the honey addition, this one doesn’t dry up in the tubes. Second, it does not dry chalky and does not fracture when applied.

Click here to purchase it!

Royal & Langnickel Gouache Color Artist Tube


Since the 1950s, Royal & Langnickel has been providing art supplies. Producing high-quality art supplies at a reasonable price, including gouache. Don’t be fooled by the low price or entry-level grade; these are high-quality paints that can be applied thickly or thinly and still achieve a high level of opacity.

The paint is beautiful and creamy, and depending on how you apply it, it goes on thin or thick. The photographs appear colour bright due to the rich pigmentation.The paint also responds well to rewetting, which is a neat feature. As a result, if you wish to change areas of your painting, you won’t have to waste paint.

Paint dries rapidly, so you don’t have to worry about smudging it.This model mixes well with watercolour colours as well. Although these aren’t designer or professional gouache paints, they’re still an excellent option for beginners wishing to increase their gouache paint collection.

Click here to purchase it.

Guide to Gouache Painting

Caran d’Ache Gouache Set (15 Colors)

Caran d’Ache, a Swiss company, makes gouache paints in a pan-style form. The Caran d’Ache Gouache Set is an excellent choice because of its portability, ease of use, and reusability.The set includes 14 paint cakes in various hues such as red, blue, pink, and others. The 15th colour is a white paint tube with a 10-ml capacity. It also includes a sable brush made of synthetic hair.

The paint’s smoothness will appeal to you. This is what makes the paint so simple to work with. Unlike other models that require a lot of water to reactivate after drying on the palette, this one only requires a small amount of water. Also, because of the creaminess, the application is incredibly smooth.

The colours are extremely opaque, making them ideal for layering and painting on dark paper. Another feature that will appeal to you is the fact that the paint cakes are removable. This means you can remove them and reorganise them as needed.

In addition, rather than needing to take the full box, you can extract them and carry them with you. Another advantage you’ll appreciate is the dry paint’s resistance to breaking. The kit is a nice alternative for someone who needs something portable because the box isn’t very big.

Click here to purchase it!

Final Thoughts

Each sort of media serves a specific purpose. Thus, when it comes to gouache, it serves a certain purpose in which all of its characteristics are clearly seen. The obvious benefit for having this type of paint in your art supplies is that it creates a thick layer of vibrant colour. Furthermore, after it dries, it turns matte and stays that way until you want to change it.

Gouache does work, believe it or not, and if you’re looking for such characteristics, you’ve come to the right place. The only thing left is to select the best paint brand. We hope that this article will assist you in making the best decision possible.

The importance of art classes extends far beyond helping pupils improve their painting or sculpture talents. Children who learn to be artists build life skills that will benefit them in the future, whether they go on to be professional artists or not.

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Everything you need to know before gouache painting

Remember to check out our most recent update on Mistakes to avoid when painting with watercolours!