Introduction to Pollution
In this article, we are going to provide you with the perfect guide to understanding what pollution is. This essay has been written in a way so that can provide the answers to all your questions. It will address not only the meaning of pollution but explain it in a lot of detail. Along with that, we will also be exploring the concepts of biodegradable waste and non-biodegradable waste. This is so because the latter contributes majorly to pollution. Finally, we will also be studying deeply about the different types of pollution. Also, how they affect human beings, the animals as well as the natural environment.
What is Pollution?

Our environment comprises of our natural surroundings such as trees, plants, flowers, sunlight, grass among several other things. However, that is not all. Our environment also comprises our physical environment. The buildings around us, for example, can also be a part of our environment. In modern times, pollution has become a term that people very commonly. It refers to the contamination and degradation of our environment through man-made sources. Not only do nature and animals are tolerating the cruel effects of pollution, but in course of time, man will also have to face the devastating result of their actions.
Pollution contaminates the land, water and air around us. These are the three main kinds of pollution. Today, there are many organizations, for example, the United Nations who are working day and night. They are doing so, to reverse the terrible degradation that mankind has caused to the environment. Many, are also beginning to realize the consequences that we will surely face. Several people are planting hundreds of trees. They are also using public transport instead of private to do their bit to reduce pollution. Helping to protect the environment in the little ways that one can is very important. Raising awareness about what pollution is and what we can do to protect the environment is also very necessary. The maximum amount of pollution, in the world, is through multi-national corporations. People must hold them accountable for it. We must save the environment.

Greta Thunberg
Greta Thunberg, an environmental activist, and the author of the book “No One is Too Small to Make a Difference” has written- “We must change almost everything in our current societies. The bigger your carbon footprint – the bigger your moral duty. The bigger your platform – the bigger your responsibility. Adults keep saying: ‘We owe it to the young people to given them hope.’ But I don’t want your hope. I don’t want you to be hopeful. I want you to panic and I want you to feel the fear I feel every day. And then I want you to act. I want you to act as you would in a crisis. I want you to act as if our house is on fire. Because it is.”
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Biodegradable Vs Non-Biodegradable Materials
Waste generation is a problem that walks hand in hand with pollution. With the humungous and continuous rise in population, waste is generating in a larger and larger quantity every single day. Within our body, there are specific enzymes that help process certain food materials. For example, the salivary amylase which is secreted in the mouth while chewing is responsible for processing starch. However, salivary amylase cannot be responsible for processing fat. It is the same even in the environment. Some wastes are generated that can be processed by the microorganisms and the bacteria present in nature. However, some cannot. Here, we are going to take a look at these two types of substances.
Biodegradable substances

Biodegradable substances are those substances that nature can easily decompose with the help of bacteria and microorganisms. These wastes include substances such as fruit peels, paper, pieces of wood, cotton, sewage, livestock waste among many other things. The bacteria and microorganisms can dispose of these substances themselves in a natural process. Therefore, these substances do not cause any damage to the environment.
For a certain time, the microorganisms secrete certain enzymes which help make these substances more soluble. Slowly, slowly they can decompose these biodegradable wastes without causing any harm to the environment. A very large quantity of biodegradable wastes takes some amount of time for the process of decomposition to take place For example, if there is a huge pile of fruit peel, it will take many days for it completely decompose and disappear. On the other hand, the process of decomposition also causes a very foul odour. Nonetheless, this is the method that is natural and the most environmentally friendly.
Non-biodegradable substances

Non- biodegradable substances are those wastes that are generated by mankind. They do not exist naturally and therefore, cannot be decomposed by bacteria or microorganisms. Some examples, of these non-biodegradable wastes, are glass, plastic, rubber among many other things. These wastes are extremely harmful to the environment because they cannot be decomposed. Therefore, as responsible inhabitants of the Earth, we must follow the rule of the three R’s – ‘Reuse, Reduce, Recycle.
This will ensure that the waste generated from homes that are non-biodegradable is dealt with safely and cleanly. It will also, then, not be harmful to the environment. Factories and big industries also have to make sure that the non-biodegradable waste that is produced by them is not dumped in the nearby river or empty lands. This causes land and river pollution which we have to fight against.
The non-biodegradable wastes may also accumulate in the crops that one is growing in the fields from the pesticides. This is terrible as through that it can enter the food chain. As chemicals cannot be digested, the number of chemicals in the body of the consumers will keep increasing the higher we go on the food chain. This process is called biological magnification.
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Types of Pollution
As we already know, our environment as well as the people and animals who are a part of it are suffering because of the pollution. This is being done by mankind and it is majorly impacting the environment as well, in a negative way. Pollution can happen in a few different ways and here are some of them.
Air Pollution

Pollution that causes harmful effects in the air is called air pollution. Air pollution can happen for a variety of reasons. One of the most leading causes of air pollution is the smoke which is released from the chimneys of factories and industries. These harmful and sometimes, toxic gases are let out into nature and contaminate the air. It is very harmful to both animals and human beings to breathe it in. Along with that, harmful chemicals such as carbon mono oxide is released from cars and other forms of transport.
This causes a lot of air pollution. It is recommended for people to walk to those places that they can so that unnecessary emission of these harmful gases does not take place. People can also use public transport as then, the amount of emission of these harmful gases will be lesser in quantity. In perfumes, deodorants as well as chemicals released from the refrigerator, many harmful chemicals also harm the air and cause air pollution. These dangerous toxins are called chlorofluorocarbons.
More About Air Pollution
They are extremely dangerous as they can also harm the ozone layer. The ozone layer is a blanket layer which is present in the atmosphere. It protects us from the ultra violet rays of the sun. These ultra violet rays can cause various problems to us such as skin cancer and even cataract. The chlorofluorocarbons released from deodorants and the refrigerators cause holes in the ozone layer.
Through this the ultraviolet rays of the sun can reach us and harm us. Therefore, these substances must be used to the minimal. Along with causing air pollution, they can also danger the ozone layer which is imperative for our survival. Another major impact of air pollution is smog. Due to the release of smoke from factories, industries as well as other sources, the content of smoke in the air has gone up drastically in recent times.
Noise Pollution

Noise pollution can happen due to the sound of traffic or loudspeakers in one’s area. Extreme noise which is above the decibel level that is appropriate for human beings can be very harmful. It can cause headaches and irritation. One may also not be able to concentrate on their work if there is too much noise. Therefore, oftentimes we see that in front of schools, there is a poster board asking the cars not to honk. There are never any loud announcements in front of schools either. Noise can be very disturbing for the mental piece and it is an important factor when considering the well-being of the individual.
Water Pollution

Water pollution is one of the biggest contributors to environmental degradation. This kind of pollution might happen for domestic and industrial reasons. Within the domestic reasons, we may note that in the rural areas water pollution takes place as people use the nearby river bodies to wash their clothes, dirty utensils, to bathe and even as drinking water. This cause a major amount of pollution in the same water body.
In case, the water body is stagnant then the pollution happens even more as the water does not move. For industrial reasons, we see that a huge amount of water pollution is happening because of all the waste materials that are being dumped into the ocean. Along with that, poisonous and harmful chemicals are also being thrown into the water bodies from factories. Factory wastes such as these should be treated properly before they are thrown into the water so that it does not cause harm to anyone.
A huge amount of arsenic, which is a harmful chemical is also found in the water in underdeveloped areas. This can be very harmful to human beings if they drink this contaminated water. These chemicals which pollute the water are not just harmful to human beings. It can also be dangerous for aquatic animals as well as aquatic plants. More and more whales as well as turtles are also washing up onshore and are being found with plastic in their bellies.
Land Pollution

Land pollution is also one of the leading causes of the overall environmental degradation that is taking place in our world today. As a result of this, many indigenous tribes, as well as animals, are losing their habitats and their ecosystems. The Amazon rainforest on which we depend to regulate the amount of carbon dioxide on Earth is now producing more carbon dioxide than it is emitting.
The greenhouse effect is taking place in full swing because of various sorts of pollution taking place on Earth. A leading reason for land pollution is soil contamination and deforestation. When the trees are cut down, it is known as deforestation. If there are no trees, the soil in that area will keep eroding. The soil in that area might also get washed away if there is a flood. Once the soil is lost, it is lost. This means that the land where the soil has been lost is going to become barren land. It does not remain fertile. Therefore, looking after the land is essential. We must do everything to not pollute our land.
Here is your perfect guide to everything you need to know about pollution. We feel great after answering all your questions on pollution, in detail, in this article! We have not only discussed the meaning of pollution but also what the two types of wastes are. Along with that, we have delved deeper into four types of pollution and how it affects the environment. So, get, set, and save the environment!
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Frequently Asked Questions

What is pollution short essay?
A. Our environment comprises of our natural surroundings such as trees, plants, flowers, sunlight, grass among several other things. However, that is not all. Our environment also comprises our physical environment. The buildings around us, for example, can also be a part of our environment. In modern times, pollution has become a term that people are using very commonly. It refers to the contamination and degradation of our environment through man-made sources. Not only do nature and animals are tolerating the cruel effects of pollution, but in course of time, man will also have to face the devastating result of their actions.
Pollution contaminates the land, water and air around us. These are the three main kinds of pollution. Today, there are many organizations, for example, the United Nations who are working day and night. They are doing so, to reverse the terrible degradation that mankind has caused to the environment. Many, are also beginning to realize the consequences that we will surely face. Several people are planting hundreds of trees or using public transport instead of private to do their bit to reduce pollution. Helping to protect the environment in the little ways that one can is very important. Raising awareness about what pollution is and what we can do to protect the environment is also very necessary. The maximum amount of pollution, in the world, is by multi-national corporations and people should claim them accountable for it. We must save the environment.
Want To Know More?
Greta Thunberg, an environmental activist, and the author of the book “No One is Too Small to Make a Difference” has written- “We must change almost everything in our current societies. The bigger your carbon footprint – the bigger your moral duty. The bigger your platform – the bigger your responsibility. Adults keep saying: ‘We owe it to the young people to give them hope.’ But I don’t want your hope. I don’t want you to be hopeful. I want you to panic and I want you to feel the fear I feel every day. And then I want you to act. I want you to act as you would in a crisis. I want you to act as if our house is on fire. Because it is.”
What is pollution in simple words?
A. Our environment comprises of our natural surroundings such as trees, plants, flowers, sunlight, grass among several other things. However, that is not all. Our environment also comprises our physical environment. The buildings around us, for example, can also be a part of our environment. In modern times, pollution has become a term that people are using very commonly. It refers to the contamination and degradation of our environment through man-made sources. Not only do nature and animals are tolerating the cruel effects of pollution, but in course of time, man will also have to face the devastating result of their actions.
Four types of Pollution
A. The four types of pollution are:
- Air pollution
- Water pollution
- Noise pollution
- Land pollution
What is the Ozone layer?
A. In perfumes, deodorants as well as chemicals released from the refrigerator, many harmful chemicals also harm the air and cause air pollution. These dangerous toxins are chlorofluorocarbons. They are extremely dangerous as they can also harm the ozone layer. The ozone layer is a blanket layer that is present in the atmosphere. It protects us from the ultraviolet rays of the sun. These ultraviolet rays can cause various problems to us such as skin cancer and even cataract. The chlorofluorocarbons released from deodorants and the refrigerators cause holes in the ozone layer. Through this, the ultraviolet rays of the sun can reach us and harm us. Therefore, people must use these substances to the minimum. Along with causing air pollution, they can also danger the ozone layer which is imperative for our survival.
What is pollution in one word?
A. Degradation
How does noise pollution affect us?
A. Noise pollution can happen due to the sound of traffic or loudspeakers in one’s area. Extreme noise which is above the decibel level that is appropriate for human beings can be very harmful. It can cause headaches and irritation. One may also not be able to concentrate on their work if there is too much noise. Therefore, oftentimes we see that in front of schools, there is a poster board asking the cars not to honk. There are never any loud announcements in front of schools either. Noise can be very disturbing for the mental piece and it is an important factor when considering the well-being of the individual.

Why is land pollution a problem?
A. Land pollution is also one of the leading causes of the overall environmental degradation that is taking place in our world today. As a result of this, many indigenous tribes, as well as animals, are losing their habitats and their ecosystems. The Amazon rainforest on which we depend to regulate the amount of carbon dioxide on Earth is now producing more carbon dioxide than it is emitting.
The greenhouse effect is taking place in full swing because of various sorts of pollution taking place on Earth. A leading reason for land pollution is soil contamination and deforestation. When the trees are cut down it is known as deforestation. If there are no trees, the soil in that area will get eroded. The soil in that area might also get washed away if there is a flood. Once the soil is lost, it is lost. This means that the land where the soil has been lost is going to become barren land. It does not remain fertile. Therefore, looking after the land is essential. We must not let it get polluted.
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