Charles Dickens has written a total of 15 novels which have gotten published and human beings have access to. I am not sure if we deserve his great works. In a finer and perfect world may be everyone would read each one of those exceptional and unconventional novels. But we don’t live in a perfect world, far from it even. This blog would view the top five books by the ever famous writer.

I have not read all of his works. I would like to, and I have got a lot of time, so maybe someday. Now, getting to the most important task at hand; picking his top five books. It seems more like picking five body parts you would be okay to give up. It isn’t easy. How do you rate the work of a genius magician? I say magician because aren’t all writers just that. How otherwise do you take your readers to a whole new world. The most widely known work by Dickens is probably A tale of two cities, but it doesn’t make the top 5 list. Instead, Podium School gives you the below the top five exceptional books by Charles Dickens.
The Best Books by Charles Dickens to Charm the Dickens Out of You!
Oliver Twist
The book Oliver Twist is a phenomenal book to begin your journey with, and deserves the top 5 list. It comes with the classic theme of good vs evil. Dickens had mentioned how it was a principle of good surviving through all adversities and finally finding victory at the end. The book portrays the larger-than-life villains and endless excitement so beautifully. It would leave you open-mouthed at the least.
No one can ever forget the wicked Fagin who integrates little boys into a life of crime and malfeasance, the violent and savage Bill Sikes, and ever courageous and young protagonist of the story who does not fall prey to the hands of the two but continues to stay an innocent boy, would teach you a whole lot and leave you with a smile on your face.
It is a tiny bit dark but an easy read and an acceptable and satisfactory introduction to the English language. The tale undergoes a lot of ups and downs and makes for an interesting and scandalous read for our young readers. The interesting part of Oliver Twist is the revelation of his true identity, his origins, and fortunes from Monks, which leads him to triumph in his conflicts about his identity and makes for a genius cessation of the novel.
Great Expectation

This wonderful novel is by far the most favorite book to most of Dickens fans. This book is so wonderfully and beautifully written, that it lives up to every single expectation we may have from the author.
Pip’s goodness of heart would leave you breathless. Each and everything from the setting, the tone, to the characters in the novel are in perfect harmony and sync. Due to Pip’s immense goodness and simplicity, he navigates the worst of circumstances and humiliation coming his way and deals with them with utmost sincerity.
The convict but good hearted Magwitch, the half-mad and very cruel Miss Havisham, the cold and beautiful Estella come together like the colors in a rainbow, although Dickens keeps it somber. However, unlike Emily Bronte’s Heathcliff from Wuthering Heights, Dickens’ Pip is impoverished but doesn’t transition into a tormented personality.
A Christmas Carol

This book I am sure was read by most of us as students in our school days, therefore it is not a surprise it should be there in the top five books by Charles Dickens list.
A Christmas carol is the most known book by Dickens after A tale of two cities. It will get you tittering and annoyed at the same time. Ebenezer Scrooge by far is the most interesting character in the novel and dare someone tell me otherwise. Bah! Humbug!
This is a moving story with Scrooge visited by his dead friend and ghost of all three Christmas Past, Present, and Future and eventually turning into a much kinder man will keep you stuck to the pages of the book. The character of Tim, a disabled boy would leave you in tears, and somehow the Scrooge who made you seethe with rage at the beginning of the book would leave you with tears in your eyes by the end of it with his goodness of heart. Check out this animated adaptation of the book starring the impeccable Jim Carrey!
David Copperfield

I think that I read somewhere this is the book closest to Dickens’ heart. It may fall in 4th place in my list of top 5 greatest books by Dickens but it sure does fall in first for a few of our literary Gods like Kafka, Virginia Woolf, and Tolstoy and it is no accident.
The most interesting part of the book being the first-person narrative, makes this book wonderful. The narration would sweep you along as a stream sweeps along the stones at the bank of the river.
All the characters in the book, right from the wicked Murdstones, the cunning and conniving Uriah Heep, the warm hearted and lovely Micawber, Aunt Betsy, Little Emily, stout hearted Peggoty to the silly but lovable Dora, form a literary treat, and the personal history of our troubled hero.
David Copperfield is loved to a great point maybe because it is very un-Dickensian. A boy losing his wonderful mother and falling prey to a horrible stepfamily, to later finding himself as a man and even better, a writer is so appealing that it makes for a great read.
The Pickwick papers

The book Pickwick papers may seem like an odd name among the other names in the list. It is not really a novel but started out as a series of sketches. It first drew my attention when I read Little Women. The title was mentioned a few times in Little Women by Louisa May Alcott. I just wanted to get my hands on it and needless to say, I did. I have no words to express the wonderful lot of good it did to me.
This was Dickens’ second work of art and is filled with a wonderful and glorious set of characters. The naïve Pickwick himself sets the story apart from the others on the list. His weird valet Sam Weller, the devilish Jingle sure bring cheerfulness and joy to the book. This was to my knowledge the most decisive debut in English literature and fiction.
It sure is debatable if this book deserves a place in this blog, mentioning the top five exceptional books by Charles Dickens. But it sure does deserve a place in everyone’s heart.
Final Thoughts
Holy Dickens, wasn’t this a journey! Exclamations and the tries at being witty aside, we love this author who cruised through Hard Times and brought to us more than just a Tale of Two Cities. We certainly have some Great Expectations from our readers to discover more of this great author!
Dear Readers, do not forget to check out our Pickwick Papers from the Podium Blog on Children’s books and films, art classes, creative writing, and public speaking!