Online Learning: How to Face the Challenges of Online Learning?

As education has taken the online route, many students are being asked to learn from home. We know that this sudden and drastic change is difficult to adapt to as children are used to traditional classroom teaching.

Online Learning

As for teachers, it sometimes makes it uneasy for them to change their way of teaching. With all the benefits of online learning still, we still cannot conclude if online learning is a blessing or boon, there are a few online learning challenges that students and parents face that will be addressed below. To know more, visit Podium School’s Blog for some tips on online learning.

Like the old adage, ‘Every problem has a solution,’ let us not only focus on the online learning challenges but also look at the silver lining to overcome them.

Significant Challenges and Benefits of Online Learning

Significant Challenges of Online Learning


Students have been finding it difficult to cope with an online learning environment right after traditional classroom learning. Due to the drastic change, they are not able to adapt to computer-based learning. They have a mindset that had been followed in the traditional classroom system which is one of the reasons why they are not able to focus on online platforms. It is important for them to accept the new learning environment with an open mind. 


In today’s world, learning which requires adapting uses Artificial intelligence and other tools to alter the interface of content according to the student’s needs. It is crucial for children to accept the new normal. They should welcome the new learning environment with an open mind. 

Technical Difficulties

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A lot of the students are not well resourced with a high-speed internet connection that is required for online learning. Because of this, they have issues in going live for virtual learning as well as on platforms that require an internet connection. They face technical issues as they are not tech-savvy with regard to computer applications.

The range of internet connection is a major factor which decides how quickly you can attend the class and do not miss any live sessions. There is a chance of poor connectivity problems if they have trouble downloading information related to the subject, blurring in videos, etc. This is a major part of the online learning challenges.


Students must try to find a high-speed internet connection at their home. They must be aware of where they can get technical support for connection and other related software problems. These provide tools for effective learning. 

Technology Tackling

Technology Tackling

Insufficiency in computer education becomes a huge pain point in the current times. There are many students who still do not know the operation of basic computers with MS Word and PowerPoint applications.

As and when a few technical errors rise, they find it difficult to resolve the issue in such a situation. They face hassles with attending live lectures, utilization of the right icons, searching study materials, etc. At times, they are unaware of tackling technology issues like logging into live classes through communication-related applications and websites, producing and delivering work as well as connecting with teachers and classmates. 


The facility of access for students for device support can assist them in resolving technical problems via call, email, or a live chatbot. Children must pay attention to the technical instructor in the problem-solving process.

Scheduling a Time

It is very much observed that students find it difficult in calculating and managing their time along with online learning. Online learning is a fresh start for them and it requires efforts to make it work. They need an organized planner to manage their time efficiently.

Online learning provides free time, which is not the same case as in traditional classrooms. Yet, some find it difficult in tuning to the time required for online learning. 


Managing time plays a very important role in online learning. It requires hard work and dedication to obtain better learning outcomes.  


Picture Credits: Medium

Having to learn in the comfort of your home is a great experience. Students might have to imagine things around them to feel like an actual school campus. But as we all know, the scenario at home is different for example, they might want to sit on classroom benches, go to parks, play on playgrounds, enjoy food in canteens, meet their friends, and interact with their teachers to obtain guidance and learn.

However, the drawback of online learning is that they have to sit in a room with parents around them instead of all of the above. This can be easily distracting for them because of small things at home. 


Children should inform their parents and friends about their daily online learning schedule. The household should ensure no distractions from their side. Parents must create a study area exclusively for their children where silence can be maintained. They can attend their live sessions and video calls at a specific place at home. In this manner, they will be able to focus on learning.

Final Thoughts

Every student wishes to enjoy their school life instead of just meeting virtually through screens. Online learning is yet another type of learning process that they need to adapt to. They can improve their learning abilities due to flexibility in schedule.

Children can approach their teachers for feedback related to their performance in case they face difficulties. Teachers can coordinate and give personalized guidance for improvement. They can also identify their weaknesses and strengths. As there are two sides to a coin, so are the pros and cons of online learning.

We understand that online learning is an altogether new and different experience for children, but it is always better to take the advantage of it at their disposal- everything in a nurturing and convenient setting.

Children should believe that they can handle the crises and face the challenges head-on. Managing time wisely and keeping a sharp focus on their goals are some amazing ways to accomplish what they want to achieve in their academic life.