How to be Motivated to Study?

Are you struggling to find the motivation to study? Let’s admit it. In this lesson, we will learn how to make your child(ren) motivated to study. Here are some of best parents recommended tips to improve study motivation.

Learn how to stay motivated during studies!

It’s easy to take a second look at a video or browse across your feeds on social networks a few more times. But the time for your tests is near.

You are feeling a feeling of anxiety however, you aren’t sure how to start. The more anxious you are and the more difficult it gets to start your day.

Check These Points to be Motivated for Study

How to stay motivated- the locus rule

If you’re not feeling motivated The first step is typically the hardest.

Here are the most effective ways of how to be motivated to study, so that you can become most productive.

1. Discover the reasons you delay your tasks.

Doing your schoolwork late is a complex issue that could have a variety of reasons.

Here are a few of the most popular:

  • You’ve been convinced that your assignment is beyond your capabilities
  • The act of putting off homework is a way of expressing your displeasure against your teachers or parents
  • You’ve decided that the subject is dull
  • You’re in the process of finding the “perfect” moment to begin.
  • The job has become too overwhelming that you’re not even sure how to begin.

Knowing why you put off work is the initial step to becoming motivated.

Take some time to reflect on the reasons you put off doing something. This will allow you to determine which of the tips listed below can help you the most.

2. Break the material into pieces

The main reason for the delay is that the work ahead seems daunting.

It’s the time to “chunk into”. Each task should be broken down into smaller pieces.

You should assign yourself a set number of those pieces each day. Then, you’re not confronted with the daunting job, but rather small chunks that you can manage.

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The chunk could be as simple as studying two pages from your textbook, or completing five multiple-choice tests, or searching for four references on the Internet for your assignment.

3. Give yourself a treat

When you’ve completed one or two pieces you can treat yourself to a short period of rest.

It could be as short as five minutes playing your favorite smartphone game, or a quick walk or even playing guitar.

Giving yourself short, relaxing breaks is an essential element in the “chunking down” method.

4. Make a study schedule

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We’re creatures of habits. If it’s a struggle to motivate yourself to study, then you could use this idea to your advantage. Habits are so effective that when you establish your routine to study you’ll find it hard to fall into a state of relaxation with no work.

What are the best ways to begin to create your study routine?

The first step is to create an academic schedule.

Be aware that habits don’t form overnight.

It is believed that it takes between 20 and 30 days for the formation of a habit. You’ll have to work hard before you can reap the benefits of this method.

5. Create a mind map to arrange the data

If you’re like the majority of people, then you’ve likely been taught to make lists to summarize details. An excellent example is to-do lists.

Therefore, it might be natural to make lists to organize the information you’re looking at.

However, there are instances where mind maps are more efficient than lists for organizing information.


Mind maps are a way to mimic the way the brain functions.

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When you make a mind map, you’re tracing how your brain thought about a particular subject.

This helps you grasp the subject. It will also make it easier to find the information you need when you require it.

You can create a mindmap with a pen or paper. However, if you prefer doing it using your phone or tablet using an application.

6. Create a way to make a “boring” topic interesting

If you’re finding it difficult to learn because your subject seems “boring” If you are struggling to study, consider this:

“Is the subject boring? Or is it because I’ve closed my eyes for it?”

The writer G.K. Chesterton once said: “There are no boring subjects, only boring minds.”

If you feel that a subject is boring, you can be interested in the topic by asking questions.

What was the date this technique or theory first developed?

Who invented it?

What issue did it address?

What would the world look like different today, if it weren’t for this theory or technique?

When you are asking the appropriate questions, you will make any subject fascinating.

7. Know the topic Don’t just memorize it.

One of the most important aspects of studying effectively is developing a deeper understanding of the subject rather than simply memorizing facts.

In some instances, it is required.

However, generally speaking, the longer you’re in school the more you’ll be expected to comprehend connections and relationships between concepts.

It is necessary to apply the principles to many facts or take conclusions from a particular collection of facts.

Learning about a subject is much more satisfying than just memorizing it. Therefore, this method of learning is not only more efficient and efficient but also keeps you engaged.

8. Find areas of confusion in your knowledge

Give a brief presentation on a particular topic to a relative or friend. It can be done formally or simply speak to them about the subject.

If you do this you’ll increase your understanding.

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You’ll also be able to see that there is a gap in your knowledge of the subject.

Albert Einstein once said, “If you are unable to explain it in a simple way, you aren’t understanding it sufficiently.”

9. Learn in short bursts

Research has shown that we learn more by studying in short periods.

It’s known as ” spaced learning” The basis of the theory is that learning involves the formation of memories.

Memories are formed by connecting between neurons. To allow these memories to be embedded in the brain, neurons need to remain in a state of numbness for a time.

We learn best through short bursts of study. This method gives neurons enough time to “lay down” the new information.

10. Utilize the Pomodoro method.

If you are looking for a method to study in brief bursts, you can try the Pomodoro method.

Francesco Cirillo invented the technique in Italy in the mid-80s.

Utilizing a kitchen timer that was shaped like a tomato (“Pomodoro” refers to tomatoes in Italian) He found it easier to concentrate when studying for simplyHere’s how you can implement this technique: Pomodoro technique:

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  1. Choose the project you’ll be working on
  2. Set the timer to run for 25 minutes.
  3. Do your best to complete the job
  4. Stop working as soon as the timer rings.
  5. Make a checkmark on the piece of paper
  6. If you’ve got less than four checkmarks, you should take an approximately 3-to-5-minute break and then repeat the process from Step 1.
  7. After four pomodoros, you should take a 15 to 30-minute break
  8. Draw a line across the four checkmarks, then begin counting your checkmarks.

There are a lot of apps that will help you use the method of the Pomodoro to develop into a student with better managing time.

11. Don’t expect to be driven every day.

It’s a bit odd, but one of the best strategies to overcome an absence of motivation would be to stop relying on being constantly motivated.

It is a fact that nobody is motivated constantly.

Don’t depend on feeling motivated to complete your task.

Sometimes, the motivation won’t be there.

This is why you require an organized schedule of study and habits since systems will always outperform motivation.

12. Exercise your brain

Are you wondering how to get motivated to study? You must develop your brain. Consider your brain as the muscle.

The ability to concentrate is similar to training to become an elite sprinter.

All it takes is being consistent and gradual advancement.

Always exercise your brain and brain, even when you’re not working on your studies.

This can be accomplished by reading, thinking about the most difficult issues facing humanity, working on puzzles, or writing.

The more diverse the methods you use to exercise your brain, the more strong and more adaptable your brain will become.

There are many websites offering exercises that are designed to help train your brain. Here are three of the most popular:

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Similar to physical exercise the most important aspect of developing your brain is recovery and rest. Therefore, ensure that you have at 8 hours of sleep every night (many students require 9 or 10 hours of rest each night).

Nutrition is an additional element of training your brain.

The brain requires certain fatty acids to function at their best. The brain can obtain these essential fatty acids by eating avocados, nuts, and salmon. Other brain food sources include:

  • Berries
  • Beans
  • Pumpkin seeds
  • Pomegranate juice
  • Dark chocolate

13. Plan your time

The process of outlining your study plan is a sign of commitment and will allow you to know how to motivate yourself to study.

Here are some steps to follow in the process of creating a study calendar:

  1. For each topic, outline the tasks you have to finish to be prepared for the test.
  2. Download a study plan template and mark the time you can devote for each day to do your study
  3. As much as you can, pick periods that are similar each day (e.g. 3:00 pm from 5:30 pm) so that your studying schedule is easy to remember.
  4. Develop a daily agenda that highlights what are the top tasks that must be accomplished for the day.

Check your study plan at the end of each week.

Check if you’re on the right track to meet your study objectives by the time you sit for your exam. If not, you can adjust your schedule to find additional periods to study.

14. Studying in an organized group

For many students, it is motivating to study in a class.

It’s also crucial to select the best students to enroll in your study group. The students must have the motivation to be able to master the subject and earn top marks.

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I suggest having the group studying comprise at least four members. If the number of students is greater than four students, it can be prone to be distracting.

Group study is not just enjoyable. It can also give all members an understanding of their role.

If you are studying in groups, you can commit to one another regarding new habits you’d like to build, or habits you’d like to eliminate.

However, the advantages of studying with a group don’t end there.

If you study with a group you can pool your notes and take superior notes than an individual could ever create.

Furthermore, working in a group makes use because each person has abilities and strengths. If you’re stuck on a concept that you’re not understanding, members of your group can likely help you understand it.

15. Make learning interactive and not passive

Learning through passive means that you attempt to absorb knowledge and information. It’s based upon the idea that you’re a vessel that is just waiting to get filled.

However, research suggests it’s not the most effective method of learning.

We create the knowledge we acquire by connecting new information with what is familiar with and have had the pleasure of experiencing.

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If you’re looking to master a new subject quickly and efficiently, you should use all the active learning you can.

Some examples of learning that are active include:

  • Utilizing the new concept in your daily
  • Conducting case studies in which new theories or concepts are placed in a specific context
  • Doing group projects
  • Commenting and reviewing what you read by your colleagues
  • Looking for how to put concepts into issues that you face

16. Schedule relaxation

It may sound simple, but when your concentration is on working on your exam, it’s easy to overlook the fact that you require time to unwind.

Do you remember Point 10, as well as “spaced in your learning”?

We learn about new things through the process of making memories. However, those memories require time to develop. This means there are intervals between learning phases.

In essence, you should schedule a time to relax and improve your knowledge.

17. Exercise regularly

If you’re focusing on studying for a big exam It’s not uncommon to forget the importance of exercise.

However, if feasible, try to get between 20 and 30 minutes of exercise each day.

This is because regular exercise is essential to be able to study effectively and stay focused.

Aerobic activities, such as walking, swimming, or jogging are a great way to send oxygen, nutrients, and blood into your brain.

This allows you to think clearly and stay focused.

Research shows that short intervals of exercise that are light immediately following studying can improve the retention of information.

18. Remember that this won’t last forever.

Exams can appear like a marathon that never ends, however, it does have a deadline to finish.

Keep this in mind particularly during times when you feel depressed or overwhelmed.

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The thought of telling yourself “this will not last forever” will help you look forward to the bright light in the distance.

It will force you to study more as you realize that you’ve got urgent work to complete.

19. Concentrate only on what you are doing, and not the end

While you’re learning it can be difficult to recognize the results of your labor, particularly in the beginning.

This is why you should concentrate on the process and not on the outcome.

Did you accomplish all your tasks for today? Congratulate yourself.

Did you adhere to your schedule of study today? Stay focused.

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Did you place your phone in a different area while you were studying so that you wouldn’t get distracted? Keep up the good work.

Keep in mind that it’s habits you’re trying to create.

If you do the procedure correctly then the results will be there.

20. Eliminate distractions

It may be an obvious idea It’s just amazing how many students concentrate on their textbook, and the others on their social media feeds.

It’s almost like they would like to distract themselves.

Make a list of all the distracting factors you’ll encounter when studying.

For instance, you could:

  • Switch off the Internet access
  • Place your phone into flight mode
  • Place your phone in a different room
  • Turn off chats in your group.
  • Use the earplugs
  • Remove all games from your tablet, phone, and your computer

21. If you’re not sure about getting started, set a clock for 5 minutes.

Sometimes, the most difficult part of any task is simply getting started.

However, the fear that comes with doing something is always more harmful than what you’re doing. When you begin and you’ll discover it’s not so bad as you thought.

If you’re not feeling motivated to get started you can set a timer of five minutes.

You can remind yourself that once the 5 minutes have passed and you’re done, you’ll be able to quit work.

However, in all likelihood, you’d have gained momentum and you’ll keep going.

I’m hoping these words from Johann Wolfgang von Goethe will be an inspiration to you to do the same:

“Whatever you are able to do or imagine start with it. It is a powerful force that has power, genius, and magic.”


The key to being motivated to study is organizing your time and working schedule as well as knowing how to utilize your mind efficiently.

That’s exactly what I’ve demonstrated with this post: 23 suggestions to manage your time, establish the proper mental attitude, and make use of your brain to work in the most effective method possible.


Q1. Why is it so hard to motivate me to study?

Ans. It could be due to having a problem with being skilled in a particular area or perhaps having created weaknesses in your knowledge or perhaps requiring more time or more practice in particular tasks. Inability to perform repeatedly in a specific subject may eventually lead to negative perceptions of the subject and cause having no motivation to pursue the subject.

Q2. How do I enjoy studying?

Ans. One of the most effective methods to learn to love learning is by, paradoxically, focusing on the process of studying. Do not focus on the future results simply concentrate on the problems that are in front of you and challenge yourself to determine if you can solve the problems.

Q3. How can I focus on studying without getting distracted?

Ans. Students can get distracted as they consider the many other things they have to complete. They begin to question if they could be working on a different assignment or studying for an exam instead. This can make them lose focus on the job that is at hand.

Q4. What causes laziness?”

Ans. Laziness can be the result of insecurity about oneself and the lack of recognition by others and the lack of discipline that results from a lack of silicone or lack interest in the task or confidence in its effectiveness. Laziness could manifest as a lack of motivation or vacillation.