The use of the Armageddon tiebreaker is controversial especially at the Chess World Cup level; people use the Armageddon method in various high-level events and tournaments. But, one has never reached near to this tie-breaker in the world chess platform.

What is Armageddon?
In simple words, Armageddon is a form of tie-breaker that is used in the game of chess. For example, if two players have 3/3 points then this tiebreaker comes into use to find out the winner. The literal meaning of this is very interesting. Armageddon refers to a mountain under which the kings lived under demonic oppression!.
Rules of Armageddon
In an Armageddon or “sudden death” tiebreak game, the players first draw lots to determine which colour they would like to be. The exact specifications – particularly when it comes to time limits – may vary, but the same general structure is always in place.
The player with white pieces is given 5 minutes on the clock. Meanwhile, the player taking the black pieces features a reduced amount of time – usually four minutes. However, the player with Black has the advantage of winning the game if they can hold White to a draw. Variations change the exact amount of time given to each player, as well as whether or not a delay or increment will be used. For instance, in this world chess championship, an Armageddon playoff would have seen White have five minutes vs. four minutes for Black, with a three-second increment that kicked in only after 60 moves had been played.
Is Armageddon Method Fair?

Pros of Armageddon for White Pieces
The following advantages are provided by white in an armageddon environment:
● White is still the first to move and has a tempo (speed) advantage over black.
• Time- Only one minute in blitz is crucial to a longer time control since there’s not much time to start with.
● Blitz – the format that is used for most armageddon (speed chess) games is much more likely than for longer time checks to give a decisive result.
White still maintains her inherent specs as she still has to play her first move even in Armageddon. A position the player wants would probably be created and could therefore offer decent winning opportunities.
Alongside an increase in time of 1 minute which may not seem very important, but in fact, every second is a 5-minute game. Even with all that, top players are more likely than whites to prefer black, why?
Pros of Armageddon for Black Pieces
- Easiness- Black pieces can afford to make safer moves that avoid complications.
- Intimidation- The one playing white is usually under heavy stress due to the necessity of winning.
- Win condition- the most important of all! It’s just relieving to play with Black since it’s easier to draw than to actually win.
How Armageddon Works?
1. Colour
There are various ways of playing the set-up but usually follow similar paths. But the colour (white) of white has to win the match. White is allowed a longer period to think than black.
The player who wields the black pieces is not necessary to win, a draw is already a victory. Because of this most players opt for black, because a win is much easier to get, even if there is less time, it is a draw that results in most of the top games.

“Chess is a struggle against the error.”
— Johnnase Zukertrort
2. Chess Time
The amount of time given to each player is another feature. There are various time controls, but mostly lightning shess of around five minutes. This tiebreaker can apply. White only has 4 minutes, so one minute higher. The black only has 4. Other variations include the time for white for 6 minutes and black for 5 minutes.
The time actually goes even over 20 minutes, in some modified formats in Armageddon, making it almost classic (longest time format).
3. Coin Toss
Finally, how do I decide which player is given which colour? What method? Naturally, a coin toss! Don’t joke. A coin is thrown in is a game in which a player can predict the result as either heading or heading, where if the prediction is correct then it will be a win (you know regular coin toss stuff).
Who wins the jacket can, unlike a regular set-up, decide which side to play in which the organisers decide on the colours. There is a different format like drawing batches where players draw a piece of paper for the winner to choose the colour.
4. Tie Breaker Score
The tie break score is a numerical rating used to determine which player has been through bigger competition, therefore better deserving the award. It is calculated by the total score points of all the opponents defeated by the player where only half is accounted for draws.
This system allows a player to come up on top even if the actual score is tied. No further games are required to break the tie score, only the metric gathered from the actual tournament. The one who faced better players and won will naturally have a higher tie break score than the one who played under weaker conditions.
This kind of tie-breaking scheme is used in top tournaments too, there are specific conditions however where this cannot apply. Like a showdown of two players (a bracket format) that gets into consecutive games where no prior wins can get calculated into the tie-breaking score.
Armageddon Alternatives
1. Continuing the time
An interesting tiebreaker was introduced in several editions of the U.S. Chess Championship. It’s always a time! Both players play consecutive games on an agreed time format with the same score. The catch is that you keep the time in fact!
If the first player wins or loses, the game is all right. However, the game is reset and played continually in situations where there is a draw. This particular game still applies the previous time on the clock!
This will be less and less as more games are played until a winner is identified.
2. Making Some Changes in the Method
This can be done in different similar armageddon formats but in reality, it is not an armageddon alone. It can be designed in many ways, such as being able to control armageddon longer. This added factor makes a formula completely unique and warrants a different approach because it is usually played in faster time control.