Chess Classes For Children: 10 Benefits of Learning Chess

Did you know that Armenia was the first country where all six-years-old children learnt chess in school? People play chess in the streets of Armenia, the players are of different age groups, belonging to different classes but yet, united by the passion they all share for chess. I am sure you must be wondering what kind of parents allow their children to learn chess at the age of 6. Why would they burden the little minds with so much information? Well, they are the smart kind. How though? Well because learning chess at a very young age has its benefit, and I must say, a lot of them. I have described in detail the benefits of learning chess at a very young age.

benefits of learning chess
Benefits of learning chess

Raises the IQ of the child

Every time you hear someone say that they place, we assume that the person is smart. It is a notion that people who play chess are smart, why though? Chess definitely raises the child’s IQ. A study on Venezuelan students showed improved IQ scores after just 4 months of chess instruction. Other studies have shown a definitive correlation between intelligence and chess.

Exercises both hemispheres of the brain

A study conducted in Germany shows that when chess players play chess, the left hemisphere if the brain is just as active as the right hemisphere of their brain. Therefore, while playing and learning how to play chess develops both the sides of the brains equally. The left side of the brain is responsible for controlling the right side of the body and the left side controls the right side, hence, it improves physical movements. The left hemisphere performs tasks that involve logical thinking and reasoning and the right side deals with creativity and fine arts.

Learning chess helps in developing creativity

It is said that the personality of a player shows very well in a match of chess. A shy person could play very attacking and a social person may be reserved at the board. The type of moves, plans and tactics that the player comes up with on his board shows his creative flair. The creativity in one really comes out when he is able to come up with a lot of ideas, not just a few. The openings become the symbol of the creativeness of the player.

Learn chess

Improves concentration

Concentration is the key element of playing chess. Any sort of distraction shouldn’t waver the train of thought of the player. It is impossible to multi-task while playing a chess game. Ys one can play multiple chess games simultaneously, however, it is next to impossible to do something else while playing chess. In a match, the opponent will not tell you the moved he played last, the immaculate attention to the smallest details is absolutely necessary. This skill helps them in real life in numerous ways.

Teaches how to plan events strategically

The most common feature every chess player possesses is that of foresight. They plan their moves, predict the various outcomes and prepare for them all. Planning is the most crucial step of playing chess to emerge as a winner.

The value of sportsmanship

Winning or losing is a matter of mind-set. If you win you understand where your opponent was wrong and in the future, you will not repeat the same mistakes as he did. In case you lose, you realise where you went wrong. It also teaches them to be more tolerant and patient with their opponents, to give them enough time to think about their next move. Winning with grace is important skill chess teaches its players.

Benefits of learning chess include enhanced Self-esteem

Chess is said to help boost the confidence of those under-confident children. One spends hours all together studying and analysing moves, finding weaknesses, building on strengths and improving weakness. This helps to build the confidence of the player, be it a child or an adult.

Efficiently tackling an issue

The problem-solving skill of the child gets honed. They learn how to efficiently solve a task because, with each move played by the opposing team, he needs to meritoriously play and plan his next move in order to win the game. The earlier the skill is developed the more independent and confident the child becomes.

The fact that they can predict the course of events, whether negative or positive, can be beneficiary to prepare for them in well advance. The game also teaches them to be resilient. No matter how big a prodigy one might be, there will be times you could end up in bad positions, and it is necessary to deal with them, giving up is never an option. Therefore, optimism and finding the silver lining then becomes absolutely necessary.

Biological effects

Have you ever wondered how chess affects our mind? Well, in one study, it is said that the dendrites of a neuron, that essentially receives and transmits messages from different neurons grow without really stopping. This helps in firing messages faster.

Benefits of Learning Chess include having a lot of fun 🙂

Chess is not like any other board games. Each game is a fresh one and with each game you learn a new lesson. It can never get boring. There are so many moves possible with each coin. You could defend, attack or even sacrifice. This element of its makes it more intriguing than other board games. The element of learning a new tactic each time you play with an elderly and skilled chess player makes it interesting.
benefits of playing chess

Well, now do you really think teaching your child chess at a young age would “pressurize” them? This game teaches them more life skills than any board game or sport ever. Also, have you noticed how prodigies always come from the field of math, music and chess? If you really want your child to be a prodigy at something, chess is the best one to aim at if he is mathematically fearful. Music skills can be developed at any given point in time by anyone. Chess too takes time and perseverance like any other skill does to develop.